Simple. Reliable. Actionable

Vessel Performance Management is the art of monitoring vessel performance while applying scientific and analytical principles to draw conclusions for ultimately increasing profits by optimizing fuel costs. In the current scenario of the shipping industry and various stakeholders trying to cap emissions, it is now more imperative than ever, that ship owners and operators reduce energy consumption and improve the overall efficiency of their fleet. A widespread difficulty for ship owners and operators is gaining access to experienced resources with strong commercial acumen, to be able to monitor their vessels 24×7 and generate tangible savings through a proven methodology. GeoPerform, as a team is proficient to monitor, evaluate and optimize vessel performance.


Number of vessels modelled


Annual EOV reports


UW service providers

What We Offer



  • Pool performance assessment
  • Trip and Period charter performance assessment
  • Claim recovery and defense services


  • Daily voyage and port performance optimization
  • Hull degradation assessment
  • Periodic vessel health check reports


  • EEOI, EEXI, CII and Carbon alignment assessment
  • EU ETS, FuelEU
  • Biofouling and hull cleaning management
  • Regulatory reporting – IMO DCS, EU & UK MRV

What We Deliver

Regulatory and Environmental compliance

Today, climate change has become a huge topic and all stakeholders in shipping, including financiers, regulatory bodies like IMO, and oil majors, are taking steps to reduce or mitigate their carbon footprint. We are not just offering solutions to meet regulatory compliance but also providing a host of bespoke services for transparent Scope 1 and Scope 3 emissions management.

  • In-house emissions platform to help:

- assess and forecast EU ETS liability

- CII current rating and simulation to predict CII at various sailing conditions

- FuelEU GHG Intensity and Penalty


  • NOx, SOx and PMI emissions monitoring in our emission reports.
  • Hull degradation assessment includes corrective actions for marine fouling and helping our customers get their vessels cleaned via a global network of environmentally sensitive and professional hull cleaning service providers at preferential rates.
  • Our network of underwater service providers includes - 400+ ports, 200+ vendors, 1700+ services and over 500+ vessels.

Vessel Performance Optimization

Voyage Optimization is sometimes restricted to weather routing, which does work well in the short term, but needs to be coupled with vessel performance to stay a step ahead and achieve savings. While the CP Performance follows a very binary approach – laden and ballast, vessels complete voyages under various dynamics – partial laden, different conditions of weather and sea, and varying engine loads/slip or even bunker mismanagement. Although ship-reported data is the primary source for understanding performance, relying solely on this data may result in inaccurate results due to its proneness to error. Some of the salient features of our service are as below:

  • Digital Twin - statistical model based on ISO 19030 principles.
  • ship specific characteristics to replicate sea performance.
  • Analytical approach through dashboards which flag any outliers.
  • 45-day extensive health check report.

Performance and Claims Management

Whilst vessel performance claims are regular points of contention in the Charter Parties, voyage re -structuring, and getting legal advice for interpretation of performance clauses often turns out to be an expensive and time taking proposition. We provide a holistic approach to Performance Claims Management where we proactively provide inputs on expected deviations in performance based on the Charter Party terms, apart from daily monitoring of vessel performance.

  • Our in-house platform integrates with most of the industry standard voyage management systems.
  • End-Of-Voyage (EOV) Reports based on CP Templates and agreed clauses.
  • Expert team of Vessel Performance Analysts and seasoned Maritime Lawyers.
  • In-depth voyage analysis to pursue performance claims or defend the same with reliable data and sound interpretation.

Interested in enhancing
your vessel’s performance?

Contact us today and one of our experienced team
members will connect with you soon.